Problem with conductive pipes

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everybody

I,m quite new with the moded MC and don't know much about the mods. So a couple days ago i started new world in FTB and it's going well, until I came to this problem wth el. engines and conduc. pipes, I don,t know why but the MJ/t doesn't flow it stops in the first piece golden con. pipe as shown on the picture, I was searching for solutin on the web wiki's but iI didn't found one, so can somebody please help me.

This setup is meant for powering a quarry about 100 blocks away, and i know its not space efficient or very nice to look at but this is my first FTB world

heres the picture of the setup:



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Even if that's loaded, and the quarry keeps itself chunk loaded the blocks in between are probably not loaded so there isn't any way for the power to get to the quarry. Try moving them closer to the quarry, or get a chunk loader and set it for the x or z axis that goes to the quarry.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try moving your engines closer to the quarry. Conductive pipes (even golden ones) have so much power loss nowadays that 100 blocks is conceivably enough to reduce the amount of power arriving to zero, at which point the pipe logic might just decide that it cannot find a valid destination and therefore starts accumulating power without sending.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Or the new Tesseracts. Either way, Thermal Expansion is the way to go.
Tesseracts are good, but lose a lot of power. 100 blocks ain't that far for conduits at all, and they have a net loss of 5% across any length. (It actually takes 40 blocks for conduits to win over golden conductives in terms of transmission efficiency.) But conduits are unbeatable at medium length, like the aforementioned 100 blocks. There's no energy buildup, there's no explosions, there's no choking, it just works.

Honestly, conduits are the /thread answer to this, and actually many other situations. Use 'em, love 'em, never look back.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Conduits do require chunks to be loaded in between the engines and the quarry. A tesseract would both negate that requirement and be easier to cleanup when you're done. It's a matter of personal preference, distance, and resources. Whatever works for you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Conduits do require chunks to be loaded in between the engines and the quarry. A tesseract would both negate that requirement and be easier to cleanup when you're done. It's a matter of personal preference, distance, and resources. Whatever works for you!
Oh, right, chunkloading, I keep forgetting that not everyone's playin' in ssp.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
(It actually takes 40 blocks for conduits to win over golden conductives in terms of transmission efficiency.)

That's actually not true. Conductive pipes have far higher power loss per pipe nowadays than you think. 49 golden pipes + 1 wooden pipe in my test scenario were enough to cause more than 60% power loss - try it out in a test world sometime. It's shocking.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's actually not true. Conductive pipes have far higher power loss per pipe nowadays than you think. 49 golden pipes + 1 wooden pipe in my test scenario were enough to cause more than 60% power loss - try it out in a test world sometime. It's shocking.
Oh wow man, that's nasty. I operated on hearsay on that part and what you've said really is shocking. Will have to conduct a few tests soon.

Thanks for mentioning.

Chunkloading is a concern in SSP as well.
Eh, may be, may be. My base is pretty compact and requires no chunkloading itself as it's either fully loaded or fully unloaded. Which is fine by me.