Portal gun / AE bug?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Had an interesting isssue a little bit ago (DW20). So I'm having space issues with inventory just set up a quarry with auto processing and storage with logistics pipes. I had ran out of chest space even after upgrading the chest to diamond ones. So I decided it was time I had set up an AE network. In the past I've never had issues with AE everything has always gone smooth.

So I set up a very basic AE network, controller, drive, etc. I had made 6 4k storage for the bulk of my junk and a single 64k storage for my processed metal ingots (had 2 diamond chest full). In the past I've always pre-formatted my 64k storage for the ones I used for metal and gems, redstone, etc usually the storage I used for quarry / auto mining materials and processed metal. So I pre-formatted this single 64k storage for obsidian, processed metal ingots from TE3, steel from railcraft, steel from rotarycraft, uranium, and tinkers ores / ingots.

So I was ready to put my junk into the AE network and I decided why not start with the ingots and metals. The AE network was in a new workshop I'm building next to my old one. So I figured I would just us the portal gun to move the full chest over next to the AE network to make the transfer and storage much faster and easier. This is where the bug happened. I picked up one of the full diamond chest with the portal gun and made my way over to the new workshop using an electric jetpack. So I was flying over and I got stuck in mid air and was rubberbanding to the ground. I figured I had gotten de-sync'ed from the server. So I set the diamond chest on the ground... and then the chest got sucked through the ground and right into the ME drive and vanished.

Confused at first I went over to the ME drive and noticed all of the contents of the chest were stored on the pre-formatted drive but were not really there. The 64k storage showed 9k out of 64k used with the right amount of item types and everything. However the items are not really there. I've tried to move the items from the 64k storage onto the 6 4k storage using an I/O ports and nothing happens. I've tried formatting the 64k storage and it will show 0 out of 64k until you put it back into the drive and it shows 9k out of 64k again.

So I guess I lost my items and the 64k storage is bugged? Not sure how to fix this. I've relogged and restarted the server to no avail.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally given just how bugged that is (and it is over the top insanely bugged, I'm not sure how that would even happen) I would be deleting the cell and anything else involved and replacing them via cheat mode if possible, hell I'd possibly delete the chunks involved via MCedit for good measure :) What you have described sounds like it is a fraction away from giving you a full blown chunk reset "herp derp wha happened, meh lets go back to the start dur dur dur".


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah, when I get home from work I'm going to try and replacte the bug in creative test world. As for my multiplayer server I think I'm going to try and delete all items involved + the AE system and remove the chunk loader and restart the server and cheat mode the items back in and see what happens.

Edit: After testing on a creative test word for about 30 mins or so I think I narrowed the problem down. ME did not (as far as I know) have any issues or relation to this bug. What I seen on the 64k storage was just the item types being taken up, although I'm not sure why 19 different item types that have one of each on the drive take up 9k storage. However, I still believe the bug some how involved the portal gun. On the server where the bug happened when the chest was teleported I think it had something to do with getting desync'ed from the server while flying while moving the chest around. I'm assuming the chest is someplace on the edge of the chunks that were loaded at the time. Going to log onto the server and see if I can find the chest laying around someplace.
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