1.4.2 is buggy enough without "upgrading" to the brand new bugs, graphics errors, NEI problems, low FPS, and crashes in 1.4.6.
do you find it buggy in your own experience? the forgecraft server uses it for clearing entities and I also saw the ftb guys using it to test ore rates on slowpokes stream, doesn't seem too bad..
I'm sure they are able to use it to demonstrate some of the features on Youtube, but is something wrought with massive problems going to be something worth using all the time? I don't think so. I haven't tried it personally because it doesn't work with 1.4.2; it's not made for FTB period; and after reading through the FE forums, I'm not subjecting myself or my players to something that's going to screw up my server.
Even though I run a server, I like playing the game myself and despise having to spend hours trying to unscrew some buggy mess. That's why I am trying to find a viable, stable way to sweep entities. The only lag we ever get at all is from the occasional spill.
It doesn't appear as if there's much available for FTB at the moment. Just though I'd double check. Thanks, all.