Plugin to sweep up ground/floating entities

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
When I played Tekkit, our admin had a Bukkit program called Clagg that would sweep up all entities lying on the ground.

Does anyone know of any plugin similar to Clagg that will work with FTB? I would like to have it for my FTB server. Thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you are in an area that habitually overflows, you can also use a powered obsidian pipe, a cleaner module with steve's carts, a thaumcraft wood golem, or a RP2 transposer.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I know how to set up a quarry, but I run a server. I can't prevent some knucklehead from spilling thousands of cobble, dirt and gravel onto the map because they are determined to try and save every last piece of "valuable" cobble. And without any helpful Bukkit-type plugins, these spills are incredibly hard to locate and manage. If you've ever seen a large spill on a map, then you know how hard it is to even get to the spill - if you can even find it. You can only move a block's distance every few seconds and the server will repeatedly crash.

The question I presented was not how to properly set up a quarry. I need some type of sweeper if anyone knows of one that's available.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ForgeEssentials has a command that lets you remove entities around yourself or a set of coords.
After checking this out more thoroughly, ForgeEssentials:
1) is not made for FTB
2) does not work with 1.4.2
3) is in Alpha and very buggy

So bump again for any other suggestions for an entity sweeper. I do realize that there are a complete lack of plugin options so far for the FTB, but on the off chance that someone has found something that works, then please share. :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update to 1.4.6 why not? do you find it buggy in your own experience? the forgecraft server uses it for clearing entities and I also saw the ftb guys using it to test ore rates on slowpokes stream, doesn't seem too bad..


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Update to 1.4.6 why not?

1.4.2 is buggy enough without "upgrading" to the brand new bugs, graphics errors, NEI problems, low FPS, and crashes in 1.4.6.

do you find it buggy in your own experience? the forgecraft server uses it for clearing entities and I also saw the ftb guys using it to test ore rates on slowpokes stream, doesn't seem too bad..
I'm sure they are able to use it to demonstrate some of the features on Youtube, but is something wrought with massive problems going to be something worth using all the time? I don't think so. I haven't tried it personally because it doesn't work with 1.4.2; it's not made for FTB period; and after reading through the FE forums, I'm not subjecting myself or my players to something that's going to screw up my server.

Even though I run a server, I like playing the game myself and despise having to spend hours trying to unscrew some buggy mess. That's why I am trying to find a viable, stable way to sweep entities. The only lag we ever get at all is from the occasional spill.

It doesn't appear as if there's much available for FTB at the moment. Just though I'd double check. Thanks, all.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Most stuff isn't made for Feed The Beast, things are made to work with Forge. FTB is not a base that other people tend to specifically build mods off of.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1.4.7 is what is currently being supported, 1.4.2 is likely to have more buggy mods than 1.4.6/7 because any bugs that were there aren't going to be fixed for .2, ever.
You're not going to find much help/support for 1.4.2.