Playing Sky Factory 2.5 and I ran into a problem.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2012
How do I prevent RedLogic's Red Alloy Wires from connecting to each other? I used to be able to separate them using strips in infinity, but that doesn't work. They are trying to connect and I can't place another wire down next to one that's currently placed.

Also, when attaching it to REdLogic circuits and I need to prevent it from connecting to a side, what do I use?
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
1: ALWAYS use insulated wires unless you are inputting/outputting signals! They come in various colours specifically to avoid them connecting up with each other.

2: RP2/Project Red allows you to disable sides of many gates. Dunno if Redlogic have the same, Immibis mods sadly lack many of the features that makes the comparible mods enjoyable to play/use IMO. But you can always use Framed wires to pass over the spot. They will not connect to the gate.