Pipe related questions on automated apiary.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello again.

I have questions on making an automated apiary. I watched this video by Runetooncraft:

which was very informative, but there is one pipe from additional pipes mod. The server I'm on is running Direwolf20, and currently doesn't have additional pipes. Is there an item we can use to sub for the distribution pipe, which I cannot get at this time?



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The pipe in question appears to be a pipe called Distribution Transport Pipe which is designed to balance quantities between two inventories. There isn't any buildcraft pipe that can do that at this time, but you should be able to do that with a computercraft turtle if you are any good at programming. Otherwise though, there should be FTB-friendly automations that are around. Good luck!

EDIT: Oh, and if you really want a buildcraft specific solution that will also work with that design, you can use an iron pipe and build a redstone timer with gates to have it switch directions every other time. It won't balance perfectly if it isn't set up balanced, but after that it should be fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've done some bee production automation using both buildcraft and RP2. I've posted them on page 3 of the beekeeping guide thread. I've since figured out how to do what I have on the buildcraft setup with just 1 diamond/apiarist pipe instead of two. Basically, after you pump the items out with a redstone engine, wrap the pipe around to the top of the apiary where a diamond/apiarist pipe exists. For the diamond pipe, place your bee products (combs and specialties) going up (and out to your collection point), have a princess and drone go down, and leave the direction to the side chest open.

The bee products will go up and to your collection point. The diamond/apiarist pipe will try and fill the apiary with bees. The apiary will only accept 1 drone and 1 princess, then the rest of the drones will get funneled off to the storage chest on the side. No funny distribution pipes needed! :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
netmc already got to the idea, but it works even better if you are using apiarist pipes, which he did not mention specifically. With an apiarist pipe again wrap from the side up to the top, and configure any bee to go down, and anything to go up. It will do the bee priority first, then go to the anything priority. You can use this in a lot of creative ways, knowing that apiarist pipes prioritize from least specific to most specific route to take. At this level though they let you make your pipes fully generic, so you can drop any bees you want in without re-configuring your pipes. Plus, apiarist pipes work as always-powered gold pipes, which is a nice bonus.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019