On needing assistance setting up a Beta A Server on a Mac.

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Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I am running OS X Mountain Lion and I downloaded the server file, but when I look to see the next steps online, people keep mention the StartServer.sh file, which appears to me to be included in the download. However, when I download the server file, all I get when I unpack it are the config, jar, coremods, lib, mods, the 1-10GB bat files and a server.properties. So my question is, how do I find this file, or if it has to be made, how do I go about doing so?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The bat files would not be 1-10Gb :)

If it doesn't exist open textedit and copy and paste

cd ~/Server
java -jar -Xincgc -Xms512M -Xmx1024M minecraft_server.jar

Replace minecraft_server.jar with whatever it's named if it's named something different and replace the number by -Xinx if you want to use more than 1Gb of ram, always leave 1Gb for the os but you can use the rest as long as you're not using the same computer for minecraft, if you are leave another gigabyte for minecraft and multiply the remaining amount by 1024 to get the number of megabytes, you may be limited to 2048Mb though if you're using 32-bit java.
Then place everything into a folder in your home directory called server like /Users/yourUsername/Server/allServerFiles
Double-clicking start.command should start the server
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Active Member
Jul 29, 2019
I followed this process and its up and running now. Thanks! Now to get it running locally...