Octuple compressed cobble generator, fast, requires no power.



I did some calculations and testing using extra utilities crafting + cobble generation with world interaction upgrades. I have created a fast cobble compactor that is very fast but unfortunately is pretty bulky and expensive. I ignored material costs and focused only on speed. It produces an octuple compressed cobblestone every 60.75 minutes based on rough calculations but when testing it produced an octuple every 70 or so minutes.


It compacts faster than normal Extra Utilities crafting because rather than being limited by how fast you can input cobble into an in inventory you can just place multiple ender chests as inputs to speed up crafting. Also because ender chests share inventories you can place crafting setups that share ender chests and therefore save on some materials and the distance nodes have to transfer cobble. The only thing that was slowing my compressor down is how much cobble I was producing. Below is my cobble (improved) generation setup.


My previous attempt was quite pitiful in comparison. In the amount of time it took my improved compactor to make 10 octuple compressed and 4 septuple my old design produced just 2 septuple. My old compressor is below.


Conclusion: Extra Utilities is wonderfully overpowered.
I tested to make sure I wasn't duplicating cobble by tricking the node into thinking that 1 cobble in 9 ender chests = 9 cobble in total rather than one. The node would not craft unless there was 9 cobble in the collective ender chests so I was (un)fortunately not duplicating millions of cobblestone.
My new compressor requires no power, just a ton of blaze rods and world interaction upgrades to build.
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