Myself and a couple others did this a few months ago in a post long buried. Since then there's been some balance adjustments and a couple new machines added.
So far, it is looking like the steam boiler just crushes the competition. I'm ignoring startup costs (clearly) in my spreadsheet, since I would plan on running it indefinitely. That and I could just use biofuel during the startup phase and transition to BCFuel once it's fully heated.
I've opened it for edit, because I know my math isn't bullet proof.
So far, it is looking like the steam boiler just crushes the competition. I'm ignoring startup costs (clearly) in my spreadsheet, since I would plan on running it indefinitely. That and I could just use biofuel during the startup phase and transition to BCFuel once it's fully heated.
I've opened it for edit, because I know my math isn't bullet proof.