New World Plan, Looking For Potential Hiccups

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Active Member
Dec 12, 2012
So, the MindCrack pack is getting ready for an update to version 8. Personally, I can't wait to play with some of the new Thaumcraft toys and stroll about the new trees and such in the Twilight Forrest. Thing is, however, both mods added a fair amount of new worldgen stuff. I do realize that I could force Minecraft to regen the chunks surrounding my house, but honestly, I kinda want a change in scenery. More importantly, however, I want to maintain some of my gear. Gregtech makes some things almost unbearable to make. I don't want to build another diamond drill or industrial blast furnace.

Here's what I want to do: I'm going to build a small tower primarily of Xycraft blocks and Thermal Expansion hardened glass. The tower will contain chests. Everything in my base of operations will be dismantled and stored in preparation for the update. Once v8 goes live, I generate a new world, and use MCEdit to move the tower and its contents to the new world. I will also transfer over my Thaumcraft data and hope that I keep all my research.

What I need to know about are any potential hiccups. Are there any mod items that do not play well with MCEdit? Everything is going to be in chests. The tower will contain no machines or running equipment, just stuff in storage. Will Redpower or Forestry bags loose their contents?

Also, if anyone could tell me if fuel takes up less space than the oil it comes from or a good seed for a new world, that would be great.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
MCEdit doesn't play well with mod blocks at all. Don't expect your tower to survive intact, not to even mention bags and such.

You have several other less intrusive options though:

- Stay in the same world, only walk away until you start generating new chunks in v8. Carry whatever you want with you. The only problem you'll have is that if you ever die without a spawn set, you will return to the original spawn.
- Make a note of all the items you want to keep, and spawn them in in the new world via NEI.
- If you are using Mystcraft, you can move your valuables into an age, and then copy that age into the new world.

I am fairly sure oil is converted to fuel at a 1:1 rate.

Jay Cee

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah oil and fuel are the same quantities converting, that's the main point in the conversion - increasing productivity out of it :) and I'm pretty sure oil is still not seed-specific (if that is what you were referring to in regards to the seed request).


Active Member
Dec 12, 2012
No, the seed request is just a call for interesting seeds to live in. Right now I'm in an abandoned village at the foot of a RP2 volcano. All the villagers were killed because they don't have the sense to stay away from the glowing red liquid rock. The plan is to turn my tin reserves into cells, store all my liquids for the move, then empty and pulverize the cells upon arriving on my new world. I was hoping that by turning my oil into fuel I'd be able to reduce the cell count, but it looks like that is a bust.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do this exact same thing. I just gather my most important stuff, then save it into NEI, delete the stuff, and repeat until all 10 save slots are full, then go to my new world.

Edit: For moving liquids, use wax if you have it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
He intends to move from 1 world to the next, not from 1 age to the next. So he can't do that, he needs to copy the wanted area with a tool that can paste into new chunks. Then he needs to transfer files for the various bags and stuff from RedPower, Forestry, ETC. Not overly complicated, but be sure to keep backups just incase.