Whitelist Server New Unleashed 1.1.4 white-list server

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.
  • FTB will be shutting down this forum by the end of July. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I am currently looking for 8-10 mature players to join and test my server. This will be a survival normal mode server. FTB experience is not required to join, neither is base MC. This server's primary purpose is to have fun and interact with other players. I plan on having the server run 24/7 unless a catastrophe knocks it off line. If the server is knocked off line I will bring it back up ASAP.

Streaming and recording will be accepted as long as your let everyone know when your are. If you do stream/recording be mindful of other players as some people prefer not to be captured.

Server Rules:
-Repair your creeper holes in public areas. If you destroy someone else's area you are responsible for repairing/repaying for the damages.
-No quarries or anything of destructive nature in Overworld/Twilight Forest
-Be kind and aware of the players around you.
-No cheating/stealing.
-Chunk loaders are great spot loaders are better. When loading chucks try to only load the ones you need.
-Do not bug me to be OPPED I don't even OP my self.
-Finally claim your shenanigans with a sign and keep them with in reason.

----->Application<----- Partner applications accepted
In game name:
Why you want to join:
FTB experience:
How often you plan on playing:
Preferred first two ender storage colors: White,White will be public

IP address:
Backups will be taken nightly/weekly and 10 of each will be stored.

The following mods are enabled:
Biomes O-Plenty

As of now there are no config file changes. It will be up for discussion after the server has more members for input.

Current Specs:
8G of ram (upgradable to 12G)
4 cores
786G HDD space allocated (maybe excessive but its not being used anyways)
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Reactions: kaiomann


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: TooFabulous
Age: 15, I turn 16 in a month and I am very mature.
Why you want to join: I need a server that is fun, not laggy, and no donation pressure.
FTB experience: 3 Months
How often you plan on playing: As long as I can!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: yawinsum
Age: 30
Why you want to join: I would like to join a small, mature community where I can have fun with others.
FTB experience: Been playing FTB since beta
How often you plan on playing: Usually everyday for any where from an hour to 3 or 4
Preferred first two ender storage colors: Orange, Black


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: jjjet42
Age: 18
Why you want to join: I like whitelisted servers and I dont want to play FTB alone.
FTB experience: Lots of FTB experience.
How often you plan on playing: daily, 2-3 hours, sometimes will play another game like LoL.
Preferred first two ender storage colors: Orange, Orange


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: wertyujh
Age: 17
Why you want to join: My old server got shut down a while ago, I took a break from FTB and now i wanna play on a new server!
FTB experience: played on a big number of server, I am very comfortable with all the older mods but the new mods are.. new to me!
How often you plan on playing: Depends.. some weeks it will be everyday, some weeks not much at all.
Preferred first two ender storage colors: White,White will be public: blue, blue or light blue

Tommy Nguyen

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: TommyDiamonds
Age: 23
Why you want to join: Just started playing playing a couple months ago. I really enjoy the game and have quickly learned a lot. I want to explore FTB Unleashed with a group of mature people because playing by myself is boring.
FTB experience: I've watched a lot of FTB on youtube and have played on one other server.
How often you plan on playing: Every day after work and weekends, unless I have plans.
Preferred first two ender storage colors: Black and Blue


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have added ya'll to the whitelist. Please whisper me or post here if you have any problems connecting.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The server IP address will be changing for sure on the 16th of this month. It will be posted as soon as the new internet is up and ported. If you are experiencing lag on the server please bear with it as the new internet net will be a 1gbps fiber optic(this will be a vast improvement over the shared 100-200mbps average I have now). It is my hope that it helps with the latency issues that some people have currently experienced.

tom newman

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: elephent3
Age: 20
Why you want to join: looking for a small server that is good fun
FTB experience: been playing for a while, love it
How often you plan on playing: when ever I can, when im not working
Preferred first two ender storage: green, yellow

Matt Gusciora

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name:mgusciora
Why you want to join:I have been looking for a server with all mods enabled
FTB experience:Benn playing since it came out
How often you plan on playing:every day
Preferred first two ender storage colors: White,White will be public yellow yellow red


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: fishcake321
Age: 17
Why you want to join: looking for a small server to play on for the next few months at least
FTB experience: I have played these mods since 1.7.5 technic, so I will be able to help any new people that come on
How often you plan on playing: 2 hours per day at least
Preferred first two ender storage colors: doesn't matter, anyone can make private frequencies with a diamond put on the lock... but ill take cyan, black


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have bad new for everyone that was nice enough to join my server. While rearranging I dropped the laptop the server was hosted off of. The screen is shattered (not a problem as I can hook up an external), but something inside is also messed up. I am currently in the process of taking it apart and checking the hardware for damage. I am not sure how long the server will be down for. If the laptop can not be repaired I will have to discontinue hosting until I can upgrade my standalone to handle a public server. I will update this thread once I figure out if I can repair it or not. Sorry for the inconvenience I have caused and I thoroughly understand if you wish to move to a different host.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: Besdies
Age: 21
Why you want to join: My other ftb server i was playing on, is no longer hosting ftb right now. I tried playing sp but, it was to borning by myself.
FTB experience: Been playing since i seen packs since i seen the minecrack server play it.
How often you plan on playing: Try to play it everyday, just each day the hours can very.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: kaiomann
Age: 16
Why you want to join: I am looking for a server to play on and just meet some cool people, and this seems like one :)
FTB experience: High? I guess..
How often you plan on playing: Don't know for now, but you should see me quite often if I like the server.
Preferred first two ender storage colors: Ehm.., orange?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: nbachamp9
Age: 17
Why you want to join: looking for a small server to play on for a very long time:}
FTB experience: ive played since the start of direworlf
How often you plan on playing: 24 hours a day
Preferred first two ender storage colors: doesn't matter, anyone can make private frequencies with a diamond put on the lock... but ill take cyan, black


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: williamaster35
Age: 18
Why you want to join: trying to find a good stable server
FTB experience: played since middle school/tekkit
How often you plan on playing: about 4 hours a day
Preferred first two ender storage colors: cyan and green


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: maccos1
Age: 15
Why you want to join: Because I want a place where I can build freely and not think about getting griefed.
FTB experience: I know mostly every mod, I've been playing whit mods for 2-3 years.
How often you plan on playing: everyday atleast 2-3 hours
Preferred first two ender storage colors: Black and Red.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In game name: Cannibilly
Age: 34
Why you want to join: Just looking for a good place to play and try out new build Ideas
FTB experience: got a lot but still learning
How often you plan on playing: few times a week
Preferred first two ender storage colors: Orange, Red