New Mod Idea...Chef Mod!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Not entirely sure if this is the correct topic to post this under. If it isn't, I apologize!

I have this idea for what I think could be an AMAZING edition to some Minecraft servers; or maybe Feed The Beast. Imagine Thaumcraft, but with cooking! No, I don't mean magic food! I mean, you start out with a cookbook with just a few basic recipes. You have to experiment with different ingredients to unlock new recipes. Recipes keep getting harder and harder to discover, but the food will give great benefits. Like buffs! For example, you discover a recipe for Stuffed Flank Steak. Maybe the buff could be Health Regeneration or Bonus Armor for 2 minutes or so. Nothing OP.

Kind of a run down of what exactly my idea is:
First, you craft a cookbook. It comes with a few basic recipes and instructions in it to help you discover more recipes. Let's say a couple of the basic recipes are 'Scrambled Eggs' and 'Grilled Ham Steak'. Well, you decide to see what happens when you cook these together. BAM! You just discovered how to cook an 'Omelet'!

There would be different herbs and spices, different ways to cook food, different food types! As well as the minor buffs you could get from the food you cook! Maybe even add a Chef's hat, that could make you cook faster!

Since I am no Mod maker, I decided to post on here. Hopefully some brilliant mod developer will see this and make this happen! (If you do, remember my name! Maybe even call it "Saboom2010's Chef Mod" :-P)

What do you guys think?! Have anything to add?! Food!!!

Chef Mod!
Now with more exclamation marks!!!!

Chef Saboom2010 out!
*Pops Knuckles*
*Turns on "4 font"*
*Turns on Zack Hemsey*
*Pulls out exclamation gun*
I really like the idea of the mod, it's just that it's a mod that almost every minecrafter has dreams about. Truth about it, you need good amazing graphics to make a mod that has that kind of generic base. Such as Thaumcraft, magic in minecraft has been thought of and made. Unsuccessfully i might add. While Thaumcraft brought a whole new aspect to the modding community of; outstanding graphics, content of the mod. I mean they're just beautiful. Could you do what Azanor has done?
Then we move on to the actual gameplay. How would this "cooking" system work? Would it be a random system of throwing bloody chicken breast in a pot with some broth? Or... would it be researching the recipes, adding in spices to add effects and/or saturation? Will there be new mobs? New plants? New _____?
Referring back to Thaumcraft, will it take large amounts of id's? If so, it will conflict with other mods. And when other mods are conflicted people get mad that they can't use their beloved mods just because of some new "n0Ob" mod. Which will they choose to get rid of? This mod of course.
Now that i have brought some helpful/way off topic statements, does it churn your mind a little? Maybe get a mediocre mod dev to help?
Good day.
*Music off*
I appreciate the feedback! And you bring up some very valid concerns. Though I dont believe they mean this mod couldn't be successful. I don't expect this to be an easy mod to make. Anything where your adding these types of new aspects to Minecraft probably isn't easy. When I mentioned Thaumcraft, it was more of an example for the discovery of new recipes. I like the idea of adding different spices or such to different recipes to get different effects. This could also be a part of it. For discovering new recipes, each thing you discover would help lead to the next So you wouldn't have to spend hours and hours throwing stuff together.
No worries! I didn't take it that way. Like I said you have some very valid questions and concerns. I don't have all the answers yet, that's kinda why I posted about this idea. The FTB community is far more brighter than my single (although above average intelligence :-P) brain.

I don't think they would need to add new mobs. Use the existing mobs and food they drop (yes, even zombie flesh!). I think new plants would be sweet. Maybe even a few rare plants that you wouldn't be able to grow, you could only find them. Might make things a bit more interesting.

I really believe this could be a great mod!
No, no, as in wheat mixed in with "rose seeds" to make some Maize or something like that and with that you can make tortillas and such.
Yes! Exactly! That's what I love about this idea! Gonna take a lot of work to get it all implemented in a great working mod. Wish I knew how to program Haha.
I remember putting in a request a very, very long time ago on Minecraft's support forum for a stove or oven that was vastly more efficient than a furnace at cooking food because it makes no sense to require the same amount of fuel for cooking as smelting. Right now food in Minecraft is in a very basic state--and as a result the hunger/saturation bar is seen as a curse rather than a blessing. I fully support a food mod.
I remember putting in a request a very, very long time ago on Minecraft's support forum for a stove or oven that was vastly more efficient than a furnace at cooking food because it makes no sense to require the same amount of fuel for cooking as smelting. Right now food in Minecraft is in a very basic state--and as a result the hunger/saturation bar is seen as a curse rather than a blessing. I fully support a food mod.
dido. that is all
No, no, as in wheat mixed in with "rose seeds" to make some Maize or something like that and with that you can make tortillas and such.

Crossbreeding plants already exists in Industrialcraft 2. You can even breed hops and make booze, which gives different effects depending on what ingredients you choose and how long it matures in the barrel. Coffee beans also exist, allowing you to make coffee (black or with milk).

There aren't any cooking recipes yet, but with there being a lot of vanilla food plants now (carrots, potatoes, wheat, pumpkins, melons), all of which are compatible with the IC2 crop system, I think that if you want to make a cooking mod, then it would be much faster to hook into the IC2 API for additional plants (if even needed) instead of coding something from scratch ;)

Then all you need is a recipe discovering system. Look at Terrafirmacraft for a sample implementation.
Ah, parallel creativity. I seriously just had this thought last week. Of course, stymied by the lack of programming skills, but basically exactly that. Add world gen even for like herbs and new crops. Take advantage of Forestry trees and bees. Add in animal husbandry for dairy cows (higher yield). I could go on...
Crossbreeding plants already exists in Industrialcraft 2. You can even breed hops and make booze, which gives different effects depending on what ingredients you choose and how long it matures in the barrel. Coffee beans also exist, allowing you to make coffee (black or with milk).

There aren't any cooking recipes yet, but with there being a lot of vanilla food plants now (carrots, potatoes, wheat, pumpkins, melons), all of which are compatible with the IC2 crop system, I think that if you want to make a cooking mod, then it would be much faster to hook into the IC2 API for additional plants (if even needed) instead of coding something from scratch ;)

Then all you need is a recipe discovering system. Look at Terrafirmacraft for a sample implementation.
I was thinking of that after i typed it. Still, there is much to improve on in that area of IC2
There is a mod that adds a bunch of different farm-able crops and trees to get food items
Pam's Harvest Craft. It's one of those mods that I love playing with so much. Just wish that her Cherry Trees won't ID conflict with forestry. (PS. She is working on making her crops and trees work with Golems and Forestry's tree farms, just fir your information :3)
nutura the companion to thinkers has & lot of that, lots of berry/fruit/food types & recipes for a hell of a lot of food stuff.
There is a mod that adds a bunch of different farm-able crops and trees to get food items
Pam's Harvest Craft. It's one of those mods that I love playing with so much. Just wish that her Cherry Trees won't ID conflict with forestry. (PS. She is working on making her crops and trees work with Golems and Forestry's tree farms, just fir your information :3)
I see what you did there.. Trying to "spruce" up the conversation?