Never played on a server, interested in starting

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Hello, perpetual n00b here. I want to get my feet wet in multiplayer and really have no idea how to go about it? Is there a 'Minecraft Servers for Dummies' book? (or at least a chapter on Servers in a 'Minecraft for Dummies book?)

I'm not really interested in PvP, Skyblocks, etc.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer.



Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
I can only speak to running a private server. I run one for me and my friends, all people I know in real life. Which is about the easiest way to go about running a server and I'm here to tell you that there is *no* Servers for Dummies, and it's a constant, ever evolving process that requires sifting through tons of outdated and incomplete information and trial and error.

As for playing on a server, there are a bunch of listings out there for public servers to join, but I've never been a fan of the public, lol, so I've never tried it.