In NEI if you can find an example recipe made from a machine you can (typically) click on the arrow or equivalent in the UI and it will show you ALL the related recipes.
If/when I can't remember a recipe is there any way to browse all the available recipe categories?
The Forestry/Gendustry/ExtraBees/MagicBees NEI integration shows a lot of things about bee outputs, but only if the bees are crafted. It is (Seems) impossible to know using NEI that (for example) Monastic Bees produce mellow combs.
If/when I can't remember a recipe is there any way to browse all the available recipe categories?
The Forestry/Gendustry/ExtraBees/MagicBees NEI integration shows a lot of things about bee outputs, but only if the bees are crafted. It is (Seems) impossible to know using NEI that (for example) Monastic Bees produce mellow combs.