I'm using a 2 x 2 HP boiler connected to 6 industrial steam engines. I'm also using hardened leadstone fluxducts to transfer the power from the engines to a hardened leadstone energy cell which then connects to the harvester planter and 2 redstone furnaces. The problem is the harvester seems to work very slowly or just collect saplings and is always hovering around 200-300 RF. All the other machines connected to the energy cell work fine, it's just the harvester. It has an adjacent inventory connect and pipe to pump out sludge.
Also, only 3 of the steam engines recieve steam and are constantly red while the other 3 only work if I turn off the others. Why is that?
Also, only 3 of the steam engines recieve steam and are constantly red while the other 3 only work if I turn off the others. Why is that?