Need advice on aesthetics

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm currently trying to make a futuristic grid-like base for my alvearies but am having issues with using xychorium and making it look nice. I really don't like my current designs and am trying to switch it up with the blocks but am unsure what blocks go well with xychorium. Help! ><

The floor is good, I might add some additional details, but the housing for the alvearies is...very bland. I'm trying to get a design that I can essentially repeat ~150 times but not feel like I'm staring at christmas trees in the dark xD



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Duuuuuuude...that's awesome. In fact, I'm stealing that design before giving you advice. And those are alvearies? Classy as hell.

I personally go for basalt, with an accent of full black xychlorium blocks, and a trim of silver. Sometimes ebony wood. All of my chests are iron or silver, and boiler also slot into the walls neatly. But that's only for the dark techy thing I see that you've got going.

If it's a more lighthearted place, like my travel hubs, I tend to prefer grand central station type buildings with massive marble arches and wood accents. If the building isn't grand, then some of the lighter woods, like cherry or larch.

I've seen furnaces used as decoration blocks too. You'd probably be well off using the IC2 machines and foam for that type of thing though. Although foam can be...rather clinical.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trying to avoid RP2 stuff (just as a precauition in case it gets removed permanently from the mod pack). I generally like those kind of buildings as well Jess, but this time I really wanted to make a structure based off those engineering blocks...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, yes...I forgot about that. I started a new world just to wean myself off of my old one the buildings would just disappear.

Welll...use the vanilla quartz instead? Erm...

I've got nothing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well I'm going to try some different things. I've been googling xycraft building designs as well as futuristic buildings in minecraft for a little while now trying to get inspiration. If I really just wanted functionality I would just copy paste my current design and then just have the alvearies inside. But this is going to be my hub-base.

The top portion is where everything gets processed, The dirt platform is where the fusion reactor is going to sit, there will be 3 towers in the other 3 cardinal directions that will process the fuel needed for fusion. Meanwhile downat the bottom my alvearies will be passively generating additional resources to my quarries which all get piped back in to my AE system up top. (I'm currently waiting for the new fusion reactors in the next patch before I build one).

Of course this is all in survival so I'm also using the engineering blocks as a floor because of its antimob properties...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
-snip, engineering brick has antimob properties.-
It does? Now I'm definitely stealing your design. I suppose you could have different modules have different colors. Not much choice though, as the green block is kinda derpy.

Your picture is a little do you see in there?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It does? Now I'm definitely stealing your design. I suppose you could have different modules have different colors. Not much choice though, as the green block is kinda derpy.

Your picture is a little do you see in there?

Well in general I'd like to use more than the engineering blocks I am currently using. A better variety of blocks makes for less blandness. I was thinking about doing quadrants of colors. Like have red quadrant, green, blue...etc, but that wouldn't solve the issue entirely for me. I'm tried to branch out to concrete and metal posts...but...they don't mesh well with the engineering blocks. There really just aren't enough futuristic/technologically themed decorative blocks out there.

Also, about that darkness... I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but BLINDING!

(IE I haven't gotten around to lighting it up :p)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It's cool but it looks ugly without mipmapping
you should get optifine and get mipmapping on max level (no performance hit) and see how much better it looks from a distance