This is an idea that I've been toying with for a while, started working on it when I needed to keep track of the mods that I actually used. NAMP is comparatively minimal, but it has everything that most people will need and want for a BC/IC² server. I'm currently working on a Pure BDCraft compilation for NAMP. Most of the mods have their own patches available, but some don't.
The NAMP list is available here. It keeps track of versions and links which, for the most part, go to the authors' threads so they can still get their revenues, direct links are only provided when there are no revenue gatherers attached. I'll update the list periodically, I may add a version system if it gets enough interest. If you have any suggestions for essentials, let me know and I'll check them out! ^-^
Installation with FTB is rather simple; Download any modpack, strip out the mods folder, drop in the files from the NAMP list... Easy! Also works for FTB's servers, so go be productive!