Mystcraft age and Railcraft Steam Boiler question

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello everyone:
I have a few questions, I am planning on setting up and running a FTB server for my friends and I, however in regards to Mystcraft ages, if you make an age to go exploring and to get the symbols when you get done with the age and destroy the books does the age that got created get destroyed as well or does the server keep the age in memory? If it does keep the age in memory can that effect server performance? Is there a way to delete the age permanently?

Also, I have been messing around with Railcraft boilers and I was wondering what is the best fuel to maintail boiler temperature?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The age data is maintained and should be deleted. Look for the /saves/[savename]/DIM_MYST[#] folders, and the associated data file in the /[savename]/data folder(agedata_[#].dat).

The issue is storage, less than performance (unless you have multiple ages active / chunkloaded).

Boilers are powerful, wonderful things. Best info is on the Railcraft Wiki boiler page, but the 'best' fuel as far as value per unit goes is most certainly Buildcraft Fuel in a liquid firebox, followed by BioFuel. Keep in mind, the larger the boiler, the longer the heat up time (burning more resources) but once maxed the efficiency can't be touched. Any fuel will keep it at max temp, its more a matter of how quickly it burns through it, measured by its Fuel Unit (FU).

For example, a fully heated 36HP boiler will eat 1 piece of charcoal (FU 1600) in 10 seconds, yet consume a bucket of Fuel (FU 96000) in 600 seconds. Its simply a matter of what resource you can sustain, and the automated method you choose to deliver it over time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
To add to the boiler part: when equal in size a high pressure boiler will give you twice the power for twice the fuel consumption of a low-pressure boiler. So I personally just added 2 low-pressure boilers to my base. One running on biofuel and the other running on charcoal. Both are produces by my Forestry farms and are very easy to sustain. And if you find you produce a lot more than you use it's quite easy to upgrade a boiler from low-pressure to high pressure by just replacing the iron tanks with steel tanks.

But yeah; really look into them. They're fun to build (a bit costly) and give loads of very efficient power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One thing though, I would not recommend trying to base a system off methane. In previous versions it used to work, but then it was nerfed from 6k heat to 3k heat, so a completely full max size railcraft tank isn't enough methane to start up a 36HP boiler anymore