Mumble Setup Guide!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019

Hello! Welcome to the guide to torture installing Mumble(the server) on your server!
I'm tired of seeing people pay to use Mumble when it's given out for free! Here's how to install it:

What is mumble you ask? Mumble is a free, opensource VOIP program. Basically, it's like TeamSpeak or Ventrilo, but free.

Why should I use Mumble and not TeamSpeak or Ventrilo? Free = awesome. What more convincing do I need to do?

OK, I've heard enough. I want Mumble(the client)! Where do I get it? Here.

OK, on to the fun part! Installing Murmur* onto your server. This guide mainly focuses on those people who have their own server(i.e. VPS, Dedicated Servers, etc.) or hosting it from a computer.
*Note: The actual mumble server itself is called Murmur, so whenever you see that referenced it is talking about the actual server itself. Not to be confused with the Mumble client.

Head to the SourceForge downloads page, download, and run it. Follow the instructions and that's it!
No, seriously...that's it.

MacOS X:
Head to the SourceForge downloads page, download the executable and run it. Follow the instructions and that's it!
No, seriously...that's it.(Kind of familiar huh?)

Setting up Murmur on your linux server can be done via apt-get.
-----Grab the murmur server via:
$ sudo apt-get install mumble-server

Initial Setup:

For the initial setup all you need to do is set the SuperUser password. To do this use this code:
$ sudo murmurd -ini /etc/mumble-server.ini -supw <password>
This sets the password for the SuperUser. Everything else can be done from within the .ini file.

Ok, so you've installed Murmur! Now you need to configure it. That's easy! I won't go over every configuration available, only the ones that will apply. For more information go here: Here

First you have to find where your configurations file is!
For Winows/MacOS X users it will be wherever you installed your server. Look for mumble-server.ini. Alternatively you could do a search for it through your file manager.

For Linux(Debian/Ubuntu) users the default package location is /etc/mumble-server.ini.
If you still can't find it use this:
$ sudo find / -name 'mumble-server.ini'

When you have found it, it's time to configure mumble!

Security settings:
#autobanAttempts = 10
#autobanTimeframe = 10 (in seconds)
#autobanTime = 300 (in seconds)

These are pretty self-explanatory, but if a person does autobanAttempts 10 times in autobanTimeframe 'X' seconds then they will be autobanTime for 'X' seconds.

To disable this, set autobanAttempts or autobanTimeframe to 0. Commenting these out(adding a '#' in front) will make mumble use the default settings(the ones you see now).


To use a password just put a password in the password= configuration. This setting will only be used for non-registered users. Registered users will have their own or be identified by their certificate.


You probably won't use this option, but if you have to then just put the port you want mumble to use. Make sure that port is open though!


You can set how many users you want to be able to join your mumble!

Welcome Text:

Self-explanatory. The welcome text people see.

Server not starting? Look here.
Linux users:
 $ service mumble-server start

Well that about covers it! If I have missed anything, did something wrong, or have a request please let me know! Otherwise have a magnificent day and remember: babies are not dishwasher safe!