This server has been running for a few weeks now and today while 3 people were connected, all the clients disconnected and it seemed like the server crashed. I restarted the server, only to find it seemed to have loaded up by look at the console, but the console doesn't respond to any commands and clients can't connect. There is are no crash-reports generated. So while troubleshooting, I started a new world and the world will load up fine and I'm able to connect, no issues. After changing the config back to the old world, it seems to "freeze" again. One of the players reported that he was digging into bedrock when it crashed, the others said nothing they were doing was out of the norm. Any ideas? Suggestions besides refreshing on new world?
Server/network specs:
Ubuntu 12.04 guest running inside VMware 5.5 host
32GB RAM - 24GB dedicated to the Minecraft server
128GB SSD - 50GB assigned to Minecraft
100mbps internet connection up/down
See Pastebin:
Server/network specs:
Ubuntu 12.04 guest running inside VMware 5.5 host
32GB RAM - 24GB dedicated to the Minecraft server
128GB SSD - 50GB assigned to Minecraft
100mbps internet connection up/down
See Pastebin: