Mod Update: ChromatiCraft V3, V3b & V3d


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ChromatiCraft V3, V3b & V3d

Added documentation, including books, info, and crafting
Greatly improved network logic and performance
Added info fragments
Added pylon compass
Added duplication wand
Added mobility wand
Added construction wand
Added excavation wand
Added transition wand
Added teleportation pump
Added mineral extractor
Redesigned crystal tank render
Added Ender TNT
Added crystal battery (lumen tree)
Redesigned crystal bee genetics
Properly implemented progression
Added mutli-aura repeater
Added protection beacon
Added item fabricator
Added heat lily
Added item collector
Added inventory simulator
Added infuser
Added aspect former
Pylons now work as ThaumCraft nodes for wands
Added mob repellent lamp
Added range lamps
Added aura cleaner
Redesigned crafting processes
Added Pylon protection ability
Crystal charger now deals damage if stood on
Removed NEI hander for Casting Table
NEI keybinds now trigger the opening of the ChromatiCraft casting info GUIs
Molten potion crystal now has a name and a bucket
Increased capacity of storage crystals
Added three upgrade items for some machines
Made World Rifts cheaper
Fixed various client crashes with Crystal Tank blocks
Changed GUI style
Ability GUI trigger key is now configurable
Made crystal colors richer
Added a creative-mode energy source
Crystal-powered tiles now keep their energy when broken
Casting GUI now hides parts of NEI to avoid overlap
Fixed some clientside false starts with Ritual and Casting tables
Fixed localizations
ChromatiCraft item names are obfuscated until appropriately discovered
Tile accelerator no longer works on casting or ritual tables
Added self-charging mechanic
Berries can now be eaten to yield small amounts of energy
Added a special crosshair for when holding the manipulator
HUD now displays active abilities
Added WAILA compatibility
Empty NBT no longer throws off the casting recipes
Changed some ritual costs
Added a GUI to crystal tanks
Increased repeater range
Reduced repeater perdition
Added API hook to allow other mods to add casting recipes
Added info HUD
Added config to generate in superflats
Added recipe for inventory link
Power crystals are now craftable
ChromaitCraft: Added config to generate some pylons broken and in need of repair
Made repeaters 16x cheaper
Changed info fragment system - delete all existing non-blank fragments!
Added a new "Getting started" entry to the lexicon
Added a lexicon entry for Construction Wand
Fixed Inventory simulator GUI crash
Aura cleaner is now a drink and lasts 24h
Improved rendering in "Crystals" and "Pylons" lexicon pages
Fixed fragments providing all research items
Made guardian stones cheaper
Made repeaters harder to grief
Added more dungeon loot
Added recipe for crystal powder
Fixed some book crashes
Removed tooltip for crystal lamps
Fixed items moving wildly with magnetism ability
Added more items producible by the fabricator
Increased fabricator storage space
Fixed teleportation pump drain order
Fixed pylon damage not causing fragment drops

Post Author: Pyure