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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I made this list after being utterly confused as to what mod is where in what pack! The current launcher modpack mods lists are really a mess! This is sorted Alphabetical (which is also a mess in the current pack list).

The FtB - DireWolf20 Mod-Pack list comparison!
Yes = Is in the FtB Unleashed pack!
No = Isn't in the FtB Unleashed pack!
? = Duplicates?
Unl. = Is in Unleashed pack, but not in DireWolf20!

AppliedEnergistics - Yes
BiblioCraft - Yes
BinniesMods - Yes
BiomesOPlenty - Yes
BuildCraft - Yes
ChargePads - Yes
ChickenChunks - Yes
CompactSolars - Yes
ComputerCraft - Yes
EnderStorage - Yes
EquivalentExchange3 - Yes
ExtraUtils - Yes
Factorization - Yes
Forestry - Yes
GravityGun - Yes
Hats - Yes
HatStand - Yes
IChunUtil - Yes
IndustrialCraft2 - Yes
InventoryTweaks - Yes
IronChest - Yes
LogisticsPipes - Yes
MagicBees - Yes
MineFactoryReloaded - Yes
MiscPeripherals - Yes
ModularForceFieldSystem - Yes
ModularPowerSuits - Yes
Mystcraft - Yes
Natura - Yes
NEIAddons - Yes
NEIPlugins - Yes
ObsidiPlates - Yes
OmniTools - Yes
OpenPeripherals - ?
OpenPeripheral - Yes
PluginsForForestry - Yes
PortalGun - Yes
RailCraft - Yes
SoulShards - Yes
StevesCarts - Yes
ThaumCraft - Yes
ThaumicTinkerer - Yes
ThermalExpansion - Yes
TinkersConstruct - Yes
TwilightForest - Yes
VoxelMap - Yes
AdditionalBuildcraftObjects - No
BiblioWoods BoP - No
BiblioWoods Forestry - No
ForgeMultiPart - No
MFFS Calclavia - No
Translocators - No
AdvancedPowerManagement - Unl.
AdvancedSolarPanels - Unl.
BackTools - Unl.
BiblioWoods - Unl.
BoPBiblioWoods - Unl.
CodeChickenCore - Unl.
CoFHCore - Unl.
CreeperCollateral - Unl.
DamageIndicators - Unl.
DartCraft - Unl.
DeathTimer - Unl.
denLib - Unl.
DenPipes - Unl.
DenPipes Emerald - Unl.
DenPipes Forestry - Unl.
Enchanting Plus - Unl.
Forge - Unl.
FlatSigns - Unl.
GateCopy - Unl.
GraviSuite - Unl.
Infinibows - Unl.
MFFS - Unl.
MineFactoryReloaded - Unl.
MPSAddons - Unl.
NetherOre - Unl.
NotEnoughItems - Unl.
NuclearControl - Unl.
Nucleum-Omnium - Unl.
PowerCrystalsCore - Unl.
qCraft - Unl.
VenderBlock - Unl.
XenosReliquary - Unl.

I'm not sure if MFFS and MFFS Calclavia is the same thing!
Forge seems to be missing from DW20 pack, which sound unlikely!
GravitySuit and GravityGun was on the same line, which I fixed, or is there a mod called "GravitySuitGravityGun" in one word?

Please fix this! Also updated icons would be nice on the launcher pack selection!

MFFS Calclavia is the "new" MFFS, using forton. the other one is the old-style one that uses forcicium. They can exist on the same server, I should note.

I'd agree about Forge - it's got to be in there or things wouldn't be working ;)