Mod developer blogging site?


Well-Known Member
Mod Developer
May 22, 2013
My Chair
I have been contemplating firing up a blogging site for me to put information about my mods, road maps, etc. One of the main drags for me about doing this is doing the setup and maintaining such a site. Personally I am not looking for anything spectacular - just needing a way to blog and have other players comment/ask questions.

I know, I know - some will think "it's not difficult to setup and maintain a site". That may be true. However, for me, I don't want to spend time doing such things.

So my suggestion is that FTB provide blogging services to mod/pack developers. I wouldn't suggest opening the floodgate to anyone so there would have to be some sort of criteria that gates acceptance. Some of the things I would be looking for are:
  • Blogging
  • Player comments on blog entries
  • Links to dev project hosted on CurseForge/FTB sites
Anyways, that's my 2 cents. :)
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