missing machines?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I played ftb a little last year. I dl'ed it and started playing again recently. I cant seem to find rotary macerator, singularity compressor, listed on the nei screen.i had forgotten the recipie, are they removed from ftb?

I see a lot of new stuff, like xycraft ore, but have only found one uranium. In the fb version i played before,
Uranium was fairly common


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hmm. Perhaps you're just unlucky for Uranium, though they only spawn in isolated blocks, not entire veins. (Well, veins of one.)

The Rotary Macerator and Singularity Compressor are from an add-on for IC2 called Advanced Machines, you can add those manually if you like.


Too Much Free Time
Nov 9, 2012
Tartarus.. I mean at work. Same thing really.
Uranium is only found in small veins once/twice per chunk over a wide range of y levels- making it less common and more spread out than diamond.
Its there, and you'll find a bit of it if you do a lot of cave diving/quarrying.​
(If you have mindcrack- you can silk touch and macerate or grind to double your yield)​