Minecart for mining purposes

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Jul 29, 2019
I would like to experiment mining using minecarts, but i have no idea what to use or look for in NEI.
could you suggest some specific carts (from steve's carts) or what to use to make my own mining-minecart (with the cart assembler) or any other mining-carts for that matter

I am in need of help with my sorting system as well, so here is the link to the thread in case you can help

Thank you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Try using a tiny coal engine, for starters. If you want to be down there with your minecart, you can go simple and cheap. So you'd just send up your minecart with storage and have it come back down later. Not sure how to do that though.
Jul 29, 2019
Try using a tiny coal engine, for starters. If you want to be down there with your minecart, you can go simple and cheap. So you'd just send up your minecart with storage and have it come back down later. Not sure how to do that though.
I know the basics of the cart assembler, what i dont know is which tool and addons to use
even though, i would probably go with a regular coal engine (not sure of exact differences though)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
One of the drills, liquid detector, bit of storage, advanced movement thingy bobby. Will check the name of that and edit this post :)

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This is what my mining carts have:

Standard Hull
Coal Engine
Basic Drill
Torch Placer
Large Railer
Bridge Builder
Top Chest
Internal storage (3 times, basically as much storage as you can stick on it)
Liquid Sensors
Height Controller

That pretty much maxes out a Standard Hull (I think with only 2 points left or something). You might be able to use smaller versions of the Railer/Engine if you stick with the cart, but I personally like the bigger versions because it means I won't have to carry as much stuff around. As far as I know the only difference between small and larger versions is the amount of storage they have (the small versions have room for 1 stack and the larger ones for 3).

All the Smelters and stuff you can put on the cart I don't see as particularly useful, because most ores you'll want to run through other means of processing anyway (Pulverizers/Macerators/etc).

I think the only thing that might be worth adding is a Chunkloader, but only if you leave the cart to mine on its own. I'm not sure, but you might need an Advanced Hull to really use the Chunkloader though.

The problem I have with letting it work on its own however is that the travel time will get longer the longer it mines, so at some point it will strand somewhere because it had to travel so far that it ran out of fuel. I've been thinking of making somesort of station that could move along with it, but I can't come up with something feasible. Maybe an RP2 Frame contraption could work, but I'm trying to play without RP2 and if I do that I might as well just build an RP2 Frame bore.
It would be awesome if SC could build some sort of patterns of things, then you could perhaps have 1 cart mining and another move the "station" along or something like that.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
While it is interesting and fun to use Steve's Mining Carts they pale in comparison to other forms of automation. It is basically a tunnel bore that runs at quarry speeds and needs more hand-holding than either of them. It is frustrating as heck to setup cargo manager/distributors with everything the cart needs only to come back and find out it stopped 30 blocks away because it ran into a xycraft quartz crystal it couldn't figure out how to deal with.

It does have its uses though, like mining out the 2nd layer of a minotaur maze. Since that layer is surrounded by bedrock a simple quarry won't do and you'd have to build a multi-directional tunnelbore to do the same job. It gets bonus points for not setting off any of the traps and leaving all the chests intact.

The top level drill is also ridiculously expensive. I wish I'd had AE setup when I built my first one, lol. I built my first one specifically to try it out in advance of mining quartz for AE. While it was fun to get up and running, fun to work around various issues it wasn't fun enough to be on my short list of preferred mining methods.