Migrating from Direwolf20 1.10 to FTB Beyond?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm running a small server with a few friends using the latest Direwolf20 1.10 pack. We are having a blast and have made some great progress. I personally tend to gravitate to mod packs with a lot of options and am just exploring the possibility of migrating to FTB Beyond. Is this even possible? Are there any guides that provide steps on how to do this?

Thanks much!


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
Make a world backup, and try loading in single player first to see how much breaks. If it's acceptable, then go for it.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Obviously, any blocks from mods not on the new mod list will be removed. If people have nice clean, single mod builds in their bases, this is easy to identify. If they use as many mods per system as some of us do, finding all the missing pieces can be a challenge, as can finding replacement parts in the new pack.

You can give it a shot, but assume things will break (sometimes catastrophically). Also note that Beyond changes some recipes and configs (due to conflicts or just as balance control) which may affect completed builds or those in progress going forward. Revamped ore distribution could also play havoc on players who don't have large stocks, but that should be minor in the grand scheme.

Backup your world. Backup your backup. Good luck. Let us know how it works out for you.