The only information I can find on the Auto Brewer is in DW20's mod spotlight, and it got maybe 30 seconds of treatment to brew two very simple potions. There are a lot of empty slots on the gui for it. Is there any information out there on what the capabilities of this block are? Or any obscure tutorials that somehow don't make it into searches on YouTube or here on FTB Forums?
I'm trying to see if I can somehow automate the system for a variety of potions, but it appears from the wiki that you need to manually put items into certain rows/slots. It almost appears that an automated solution to a variety of potions is best done with the vanilla brewing stand.
I'm trying to see if I can somehow automate the system for a variety of potions, but it appears from the wiki that you need to manually put items into certain rows/slots. It almost appears that an automated solution to a variety of potions is best done with the vanilla brewing stand.