Just curious if anyone knows roughly how the world gen works if Mekanism is the only mod adding copper, tin and osmium?
What I'm meaning is more between which layers can I find it? Or is it just all over the place like from 1-120 y-levels?
Agreed. I use CoFH to spawn osmium, and I set it to 75% of iron, purely because I've also added Osmium to some other recipes to give it a broader use beyond Mekanism. Just hate collecting "common" ores that have "limited" use.If this is a new world, I'd suggest halving the ore spawn of osmium. It is too abundant in my mind. It is probably just as or more abundant than iron. Plus Mekanism late game has ore quintupling that would make it more abundant than cobble.
It costs, like, all of the power ever to get Osmium in GT. Maybe I should install Mek, that wouldn't be imbalancing, right?