[MC1.10] Compact Funky Locomotion 6-axis drive?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trying to find/make a compact 6-axis drive for a frame quarry, and so far I'm having significant issues. I think an example build or two might help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Eh...I was kinda looking for in all dimensions. My current build doesn't really have constraints, I just wanted to be efficient with the space the drive would take up.

I was originally trying to recreate an old redpower drive I found. Part of the issue was that I wasn't supporting some of the frame sliders. Also, I think that RP frame motors transferred their power, which FM frame manipulators don't.

Anyways, after experimenting a bit I found a 4x5x5 design I'm happy with.