Main base issues and indecisiveness

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Aaaaaargghhh! I know there's a similar thread somewhere ('cause I've seen it) but I can't freaking find it!

OK here's the deal. I wanted to do a ravine-base, carve the sides of the ravine and make rooms for my crops, machines and wizardry stuff, stairs leading to the bottom of the ravine, trees and flowers and random crops on the surface, surrounded by walls...

Yesterday, I went for a walk trying to find a village and I came across this derpy village on this hill... And ooooh so many ideas came pouring in... I can make my wizard's tower on top of the hill or down the hill with a bridge leading to the top of the hill, I can surround the village with walls (kind of castle-y building), the wall can go over that river to the left and make a water gate or what's-its-name, again trees and flowers and walkway leading outside the wall...

I don't know damn it, I love the village idea but I also want to use the ravine one. Maybe use the ravine as an industrial site, quarry the crap out of it so it leads to an empty, dark and massive hell-hole?

Here's a Dropbox album so you can have a visual on the matter...

edit: Hehe with the quarry idea I think I've answered for myself :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Don't think. Just act. It's what I do when I have such dilemas. Usualy I start working on whichever idea seems the more tempting at the moment, and eventualy one of the projects gets favored and I stick to it. Eventualy, it may happen that I still do both. But to be honest, I usualy prefer to stick to spontaneous ideas, much like your ideas pertaining the derpy village on the hill. I find that I tend to take those ideas much further than my (often badly) planned ones (precisely because they are often badly planned, and will bring obstacles).

During the beta pack I made my base out of adjacent 9x9 holes that my turtles dug from level 16 down to bedrock, with some high bridges as walkways in between. Some time later I had the whole server praising my creativity, and I was surprised myself at how cool it all turned out to be (even though unfinished). :) So, yea, go with the flow, and you'll make cool stuff happen, eventualy. And eventualy, it will all bring new ideas as well.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah you're totally right man, I know that if I don't at least try the village thing, the thought will eat me alive :p And now I have more reasons to use most of the mods in the Magic World pack, I can set up a railway connecting the two bases, I can make a dungeon for my Soul Shards spawners... and plus the villagers will keep me company hehe