Magic world mod pack questions and suggestion

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm wondering why thaumic bees isnt included in magic world? It has both forestry and thaumcraft 3. I also think EE3 is a magic mod that should be included. Why aren't they? Are there balance issues/ incompatibility?Sorry if this has been asked a hundred times (i dont know)

Also what do you guys think about Magical Crops by Mark719 in the pack? I think its pretty balanced at its current version. (1.5Beta version g)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
That's why I dropped the launcher and installed the mods myself in MultiMC :p

Thaumic Bees yes, I wonder the same thing myself but when it comes to EE3, I feel that currently it's not needed (my opinion of course and even though I've installed it). Right now its functionality is mainly to transmute things into other things which can be done with the Wand of Equal Exchange or what it's called. I mainly use it as a mobile crafting table hehe

Magic Crops I really like, I also think it's quite balanced since one needs to do A LOT of mining to get the essence needed to grow stuff, you can't grow diamonds right away.

Maybe they're testing them, maybe they'll add them, maybe they won't, who knows :p

Are you watching Marty by any chance?