Open Loot Bags Inventory Desync


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Summary of the problem Loot Bags Inventory Desync

Pack Version 3.0.0

What is the bug? Due to the way Loot Bags work with auto-closing when the bag is completely empty to delete the bag from your inventory, if you're NOT shift-clicking the items out of the loot bag and simply left-click items to pick them up from the loot bag slots to move them into your inventory. ... When you do this with the LAST item in the loot bag, upon placing the item into one of your inventory slots, instead of that item remaining in your inventory, it is THROWN OUT into the world in front of you as if you tossed it with q. This issue has been around for ages ever since this loot bags mod has been around. If you have a magnet equipped, and re-open your inventory immediately afterward, you'll see a "ghost item" in the slot you placed the item as well as the "true item" being dragged into your inventory. This is -NOT- a dupe, as the "ghost item" will vanish upon interacting with it in your inventory, but this is quite an annoying desync glitch.

Mod & Version LootBags-1.10.2-2.3.0.jar

Link to log file N/A

Is it repeatable? Yes.

1. Acquire Loot Bag
2. Place in hand.
3. Right-click to open it.
4. Left-click items in loot bag, move them to inventory and left-click to place in inventory. ... DO NOT SHIFT-CLICK.
5. Watch as the final item gets tossed out of your inventory when the GUI auto-closes since the bag is now empty.
6. ???
7. Profit

Known Fix None that I know of.