Looking for someone (Infinity Evolved Skyblock)

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I'm Looking for someone to play with.

I am 15 yo and I'm experienced with most of the technic mods.

- You Don't need to have a micro, if you want to voice chat is completely up to you.
- I don't have any restrictions about your age.
- You have at least a minimal ftb knowledge - I'm a technican guy, the better if you would be the magician one or if you know/like bees (I hate bees :<) I can teach you something if it would be necessary.
- In case of voice chat note that i'm not a native english speaker and don't mind if you're not either.

P.S.- I have minimal idea on how to create a server and would prefer if you could create it.


Hey i am interested, my Skype name is " manlyteddybear "

I could host the server through Hamachi.
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Hello i am instead can i have ur skype name so i can seen u my one

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