Looking for an editor

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hello fellow FTBers =)

I'm a creative minecrafter, quite new to FTB and I love it.
I'm working on a big futuristic world with skyscrapers, elevators etc, that I'll eventually share

If I ever finish it that is.
Since I currently have a showstopper, which I hope someone can help me with.
I used to make my big structures for vanilla minecraft in mcedit, but unfortunately mcedit isn't capable of handling FTB blocks and I don't have much hope it will be in the near future.

Does someone know of any editor that doesn't have a problem with FTB content?
Even only a chunk copier or a "replace all blocks of this ID in the chunk with blocks of that ID" would be an enormous help.

Or maybe there's even some coding talent available who can make such a copy/replacer for the FTB community? :)
Add a paypal button and know you will have 1 donater at least lol.

Some info and examples about the format I could dig up:
