Casual Server Looking For A WhiteListed FTB MindCrack Server

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
im looking for a whitelisted FTB MindCrack server to join ive been looking for one for a while and cannot find one, im 17 years old and i play FTB a lot, so it would be awesome if i can join my IGN is: A_Beast_Pro and i have skype and teamspeak. my Skype name is: ben.schwarz5 thanks!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
im looking for a whitelisted FTB MindCrack server to join ive been looking for one for a while and cannot find one, im 17 years old and i play FTB a lot, so it would be awesome if i can join my IGN is: A_Beast_Pro and i have skype and teamspeak. my Skype name is: ben.schwarz5 thanks!
I love your underlined bolded italics you got goin' there.

Also there's a server section. if you couldn't find a server, there's no server that fits your needs. No reason to post here.
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