Logistics Pipes and Railcraft Autocrafting Bug

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just point this out to the appropriate people for a future fix.

I am noticing a bug when using a recipe to autocraft Tank Carts from Railcraft

I am using autocrafting tables with Crafting Logistics Pipes Mk3 7152. The first bug is when attempting to "request" a Tank Cart using the Request Pipe. The Tank Cart avatars are not displaying.


The second bug I run into is when I attempt to add a sign to the Tank Carts crafting pipe using the Crafting Sign Creator 7156:27. The sign shows up blank and a visual error is displayed above.

Example of blank sign:

Example of visual error:

I was able to replicate the error using Crafting Logistics Pipes Mk2. In the mean time my workaround has been to not place a sign on the pipe and select to autocraft one of each. The recipes does autocraft correctly each time.

Information on the Railcraft Recipe: http://railcraft.wikispaces.com/Tank+Cart+(Cart)

I hope we can get this issue resolved. Thanks!