Liquid tesseract capacity

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I can't seem to find any definite answers in the quick searching I've done, so I'll just ask the question myself: how much liquid can you pump through a single liquid tesseract pair? I've hooked up a 36LP boiler to one with four liquiducts, but when I try to use it to power some industrial engines (each with its own liquiduct coming off a different face), it only seems to be able to keep a max of two running at 8 MJ/t, despite the multimeter saying that each liquiduct has a throughput of 80 mB/t (which I believe is twice what it takes to keep an industrial running at full speed). Am I doing something wrong in setting up the input (I lack a screenshot right now, but I can get one easily enough, should the need arise), or am I going to need one tesseract pair for every two engines?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The sending tesseract has 6 input sides, use them. I think someone said, that the tesseract can accept up to 160 steam/t per side.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I don't think the issue lies with input... I think it's the output.

When you use a single liquiduct on a boiler, no matter the size, it will transport enough steam for two industrial steam engines. That is the rate at which the boiler pushes steam into the liquiduct. It seems as if the tesseract is behaving exactly the same - no matter the input, a liquiduct coming off it only powers two industrial engines.

When you use a powered liquiduct (redstone signal + hit with a crescent hammer) to force-extract from the boiler, it will transport more. I haven't tested it myself, but I saw somebody claim 160 steam, which would be twice as much as unpowered. Try this on the tesseract, see if you can get twice as much steam from force-extracting from it.

Also, in a separate test, try multiple liquiducts on the output tessearct.

If the limitation is truly on the input side, then nothing you do will get you more than a certain number of engines powered (the input limit may be different from 80 steam). However, I'm willing to bet you will be able to draw all the steam you input, if you just use enough (powered, if necessary) liquiducts on the output.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Anyone know if there is a MB (milibucket) limit and what it is?

160 steam is 16 buckets of steam, or 16,000 millibuckets of steam as a "millibucket" is one-thousandth of a bucket. Therefore, the limit should be sixteen buckets.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Solved the problem. I had the input side set up like this:

While that had looked fine for getting steam into the tesseract, I guess having a powered end on the tesseract as well was messing it up. That would make sense, since then the tesseract being in contact with the boiler would be resulting in the rate of transfer you get from an unpowered liquiduct. I extended each liquiduct by one, moving the tesseract up a block, and it seems to be working now (getting each output liquiduct running at 160, and a single liquiduct is able to power four engines at 8 MJ/t). Thanks for the help.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
160 steam is 16 buckets of steam, or 16,000 millibuckets of steam as a "millibucket" is one-thousandth of a bucket. Therefore, the limit should be sixteen buckets.
Ah, thanks. However this does not seem to be true in pactise: I have a pump running in the nether powered by three electric engines. The pump has two outputs, both directly connected(no pipes) - a liquid tesseract, and a geothermal that powers the engines. Now, at max power (10mj/t) a pump pumps 20 buckets a second. Since we are supplying it with 6 mj/t, it should only be pumping 12 buckets a second. This is obviously below the stated 16 buckets, and thats not even counting the lava thats going to the geothermal, yet the tesseract will not accept lava unless either I lower the power to the pump, or supply it with multiple pipes. Ideas anyone?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, thanks. However this does not seem to be true in pactise: I have a pump running in the nether powered by three electric engines. The pump has two outputs, both directly connected(no pipes) - a liquid tesseract, and a geothermal that powers the engines. Now, at max power (10mj/t) a pump pumps 20 buckets a second. Since we are supplying it with 6 mj/t, it should only be pumping 12 buckets a second. This is obviously below the stated 16 buckets, and thats not even counting the lava thats going to the geothermal, yet the tesseract will not accept lava unless either I lower the power to the pump, or supply it with multiple pipes. Ideas anyone?

There may be a required delay in time between it can accept another bucket on that same face. Try modifying your machine to put a bucket into two faces, and see if that doubles your max. possible speed, or if it only changes it by a certain amount.