Welcome to what will be a series/huge machinima on my channel 'crazybob84gaming'
This will be called 'Legacy of Three' as you can clearly tell from the name.

There will be 3 main characters, their names have not yet been decided.
Character 1: Posh/rich guy, looks down on those who are poor - Actor taken - Need voice actor
Character 2: Stupid/Dumb guy, is a worker for those who are in a higher part of society - Voice/Actor taken
Character 3: Western Badass, bounty hunter, shows no boundrys - Voice taken - Actor taken
Rough story line - Not entirley decided - Three people find themselves looking for one thing; the end.
The end conceals a secret unknown to man-kind, and they need to decide whether to use it for bad-or for good.
The story however, will have comic twists to it, so it keeps the viewers entertained and laughing.

Voice Actor Applications:
Have you done this before, if so, what was it for:
Skype name (Can be pm'd to me):
Youtube channel(If you have one - More likley to get in):
What character do you want:
How active are you on skype?:
What do you use to record your voice?:
What is your mic?:
Body Actor Application:
Have you done this before, if so, what was it for:
Skype name (Can be pm'd to me):
Youtube channel:
What character do you want:
Will you be willing to change your skin, suited to your role?:
How active are you on skype?:
Do you have knowledge of FTB?:
Can you play FTB (If not, you can't be apart of this):
If you're not accpeted as the leading roles, you may be asked to be a background actor These are people who will be called in, when actors are needed in the background. They are not a main role, just a one-off.
We are also in need of builders. These builders are required to have a very good standard of building.
Builder application:
How long have you played minecraft?:
Examples of buildings (If theres no pictures, you won't be accepted):
Do you have knowledge of FTB?:
Can you play FTB (If not, you can't be apart of this):
All of the recording and acting will be taken place in a client-side FTB Mindcrack server, so the builders can have more blocks to build with, and to add more detail. Unless, if someone offers a 24/7 server, and gives me access to the console.
If you're having trouble uploading your buildings, goto this website - http://tinypic.com/ and upload the given picture, and put the links to the picture, on your application.
My youtube channel - http://www.youtube.c...azybob84gaming/
Server hoster - http://www.youtube.com/simonhutsgaming