Laptop as server?

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Hi guys,

I just wanna ask if i could run a modder server with around 110 mods on my old laptop.

Asus K73SM
OS: Ubuntu server 15.10
Cpu: Intel i7 2670QM (4 core with 3.10Ghz and hyper-threading)
Ram: 2x4GB
SSD: 128GB (for os and server)
HDD: 1TB (for backups)

How do you think would it perform?
Also did some tests and there is a bit of chunk rendering problems. But only if there are two people pressent in the same area.


Jul 31, 2013
OS: Ubuntu server 15.10
I personally prefer debian but that shouldn't affect anything. Assuming it does not have a gui it shouldn't be a problem
Cpu: Intel i7 2670QM (4 core with 3.10Ghz and hyper-threading)
minecraft pretty much only uses 1 core. I think the clock speed should be good enough depending in how many players you want at any given time
Ram: 2x4GB
Should be good enough for a normal amount of players
SSD: 128GB (for os and server)
might become a bit low if people like to create lots of dimensions, other then that it should do the job.
HDD: 1TB (for backups)
that should be plenty for a good while

Also did some tests and there is a bit of chunk rendering problems. But only if there are two people pressent in the same area.
as it only happens when the players are in the same area I am leaning more towards it being a bug then performance issues. If I look at the specs of the server I am more leaning towards the Internet speed being the problem as that is the only thing you haven't mentioned if it turns out to be a performance issue.

One thing, make sure the laptop is connected using a LAN-cable and not wifi as wifi is generally not the greatest in performance.

disclaimer: I usually run a small server on an "old" small desktop which currently has 8 GB of RAM, an i3 CPU and a single HDD and I have no experience in hosting big servers.


Thanks for your reply :)
Btw my internet speed is 120Mbit dowbload and 4Mbit upload. The laptop is indeed connected with a lan cable.

The rendering issue also happens to me and i am connected through my home LAN network.


Jul 31, 2013
One thing that might be a problem is the cooling as it is a laptop and lets be honest, they aren't exactly build to run a minecraft server 24/7.
One thing that might happen is that the cpu will need to reduce its performance for the cooling to keep up which will most likely cause performance issues.
There might be a few other problems like that because it is a laptop and thus not build to be used as a server but I have no idea if this will be the case


I have also monitored the temperature from the ajenti admin panel (open source server admin panel).

The cpu temp is always around 50 degrees celsious max

Edit: also the problem goes away if a new map is generated but we have built a lot already. And who's to say it won't happen with a new map in time too.
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Sorry for the double post but i found the problem,

the spectacles from foresty are causing the rendering issue. While wearing them chunk rendering is laggy so much it is unplayable, when removing them the maps just springs to the screen and evreything gets loaded in a second.