I'd like to thank the creators of the mods in FtB, Slowpoke, and the rest of the FtB team for providing an exceptional experience. I've never had this much fun with Minecraft, even when I first started playing Vanilla. This is a feast that stacks your plate full of the best morsels, then asks if you want seconds, and then gives you three desserts.
The key of the experience is accessibility; before FtB I had experimented with only a few mods, and probably wouldn't have modded nearly as extremely at the pack does on my own. This pack enabled what I really wanted to do: jump right in and play. I am not alone; many others are experiencing mods for the very first time, or for the first time as extensively as the pack provides. Not only does it benefit users, but also modders who are given a chance to share their work more extensively, and the modding community as a whole. It also enables Youtubers and streamers, who in turn provide exposure for the pack and the mods. It's truly a win-win for all.
Then there's the mods themselves. They are of such a high quality that I would prefer to call the creators of the mods game designers first and modders second. Though there are some issues, there is not a single mod that I would not consider as adding greatly to the whole experience. I am especially fond of how various mods often interact and cross over with each other. Positively everything has a use, and often it's multiple or many uses. The pack gives everything you do meaning and value in the context you choose.
So again, thanks to everyone involved for making FtB incredible. I look forward to whatever direction you take the pack, with certainty that it will only become even better
The key of the experience is accessibility; before FtB I had experimented with only a few mods, and probably wouldn't have modded nearly as extremely at the pack does on my own. This pack enabled what I really wanted to do: jump right in and play. I am not alone; many others are experiencing mods for the very first time, or for the first time as extensively as the pack provides. Not only does it benefit users, but also modders who are given a chance to share their work more extensively, and the modding community as a whole. It also enables Youtubers and streamers, who in turn provide exposure for the pack and the mods. It's truly a win-win for all.
Then there's the mods themselves. They are of such a high quality that I would prefer to call the creators of the mods game designers first and modders second. Though there are some issues, there is not a single mod that I would not consider as adding greatly to the whole experience. I am especially fond of how various mods often interact and cross over with each other. Positively everything has a use, and often it's multiple or many uses. The pack gives everything you do meaning and value in the context you choose.
So again, thanks to everyone involved for making FtB incredible. I look forward to whatever direction you take the pack, with certainty that it will only become even better