Problem Java console and Linux Terminal (Cent 6.x) Lag memory

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
HELLO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!

My name is lenoi and gretings to all!!!

well my problem is with Cent OS server :

Centos 6.2 ( Desk Ver.)
Java 64x 8 Update 25
Core i5 2.7mhz
4gb ram (64X java and OS)
3.2 gb RAM dedicated to MC-FTB (-Xmx3G or -Xmx3584M)

Network information:

UP Server: 5M
Down Server: 15M
Ethernet connect: Cat 6 (100m)

User network

UP: 2m
Down: 5-6m

When I start the console to Start The FTB server (Crash land) generates two consoles ( the terminal Cent and the console for java), and these consume the all memory for my server (with Htop comand have the 99% de ram is ocuppied)(causing great LAG to users).

the server generate a smalls rollbacks.

Can I use only linux terminal ? how?

sorry for my english, I speak only spanish!!!!!.

ATTE Lenoi <3
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