Is this memory usage normal?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My wife and I play on a small server I rented and I have noticed something that concerns me with my ram usage.

We have 2 gigs of ram and when I start-up the server it's happily sitting at 800-900MB. But ever so slowly, irregardless of weather we stand there and twiddle our thumbs or constantly play/explore/create; I get a slow and steady ram usage increase that never goes back down. The rates about 135MBish an hour increase until I restart.

Is this normal or is something chewing up my ram? This gain is static no matter how much/little we do. Also this doesn't occur if FTB is not running so there's not another process causing it on my server.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What control panel does your host provide you for your rented server? The reason I ask is because of the issues that occur when using McMyAdmin and Multicraft with Forge (other CPs may be affected as well but only sure of those two).

I don't know if it's related to their incompatibility with Forge (or if it's even related AT ALL lol) but when I tried hosting FTB servers with either McMyAdmin or Multicraft I'd notice the exact same behavior that you described (slow increase in ram usage with nothing going on). When I don't use a CP my server will happily stay at about 350mb of ram used. Also, I used the same (empty) world for all my tests.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thank you for replying. Looks like my panels TCAdmin so can't be sure. But at the very least you have provided me with a potential explanation.

I intended to try different hosts after my time is up with this one anyways, so you have given me a small ray of hope.