Is there a graph for power types in Direwolf20 pack?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So I'm useless at remembering what power generators/etc are for the different machines. I'm having to follow Dire on a second screen to get anything done power wise.

Is there a graph or a flowchart or something to help me remember what power/engines are needed for what machines? much like the production chart for vanilla.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No idea for sure.

What I can tell you is that everything in IC2 runs off of EU (Generators, Solar Panels, that sort of thing,) AE and MFRL can run off of EU or mJ, Factorization runs off its own power system, and everything else runs off of mJ (Engines.) I don't know how much UE's in DW20, so you might also have another power system to juggle around.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The best way to understand what does what is to base a project around that piece of technology. That will force you to test/understand every aspect of that block, which will in turn allow you to have the knowledge you are looking for here, on hand.

At the start of your FTB career, it might be a bit overwhelming considering how many different mods/blocks there are. Focus on one thing as your primary objective. As you continue on to tertiary systems, you can then continue to build your knowledge on the basis of base expansion. Don't try to absorb all the information at once, it usually never works that way.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
use a wikki? if you are toying with a machine and you don't know what powers it search it on the wikki.