So i'm in the labyrinth of the Twilight forest, then all the sudden i get kicked with an "internal server error"
I log back on and ALL my items were replaced with different mod items?!
My sword of zephyr turned to vile swords, modular powersuit replaced with a steel helmet and iron enchanted pants
even stuff from my canvas bag was replaced with random items, none of which i had on me before
i relogged and the items were still the same. heres the log i could get
(sorry, attached is the error)
direwolf20 v5.11
I log back on and ALL my items were replaced with different mod items?!
My sword of zephyr turned to vile swords, modular powersuit replaced with a steel helmet and iron enchanted pants
even stuff from my canvas bag was replaced with random items, none of which i had on me before
i relogged and the items were still the same. heres the log i could get
(sorry, attached is the error)
direwolf20 v5.11