It would be kind of you to post what resolved your issue.
Also, your issue is no more important than any other users. Bumping your thread serves no use other than to move it up on the page. Most people help on threads based on the description of the problem and the knowledge they can provide.
You provided the most basic of information available. If you had read
this thread, you would have known that we at least need that information.
How to fix this? I'm trying to connect to a FTB Unleashed 1.1.3 server but it wont let me join
A better post would have included your OS (and bit type), Launcher version, Java version (and bit type), the console log from your launcher.
Bump, still getting the error. This is extremely annoying, and i would like to find out the solutions.
I've resynced my times on my PC, redownloaded the modpack, i've got 32-bit and 64-bit java and no luck.
While this is more helpful, it's rather impatient of you to bump your post after only 15 minutes.
Still hasn't been resolved, please assist me. Thanks
It's rather annoying to see people begging for help on a forum. No one is required to post, so it's more likely that you won't get a response by begging.
I'd really like to know what resolved the issue in 7 minutes.