Details of the issue:
Infinity Evolved Server: Clients Crashing in Nether (AdvSolarPanel?)
Launcher Version:1.4.12
Modpack:Infinity Evolved
Modpack Version:2.5.0
Log Link:Details of the issue:
Two players entered the Nether for the first time and had no issues for about five minutes, and then had repeated crashes with the same core reason: "at advsolar.common.blocks.BlockAdvSolarPanel.func_149673_e(BlockAdvSolarPanel.java:144)" every time they reconnect to the server in the Nether, despite not doing anything to do with them.
I haven't tried doing anything yet in fear of making it worse, and I don't know whether leaving the Nether would stop the crashing as the crashes come too quickly to leave. Maybe disabling AdvSolarPanel would solve this?
I haven't tried doing anything yet in fear of making it worse, and I don't know whether leaving the Nether would stop the crashing as the crashes come too quickly to leave. Maybe disabling AdvSolarPanel would solve this?