I need some help with InControl, it's literately driving me nuts.
This is the 3 main rules I'm after:
#1 Hostile Mobs can never spawn on Concrete.
#2 Hostiles can spawn anywhere dark that cannot see the sky.
#3 Hostiles cannot spawn on common surface blocks.
But, once night hits, rule #3 is totally ignored, and mobs are spawning.
"hostile": true,
"block": ["ore:concrete"],
"result": "deny"
"hostile": true,
"onjoin": true,
"seasky": false,
"minlight": 0,
"maxlight": 5,
"isnotcolliding": "default",
"result": "allow"
"hostile": true,
"block": ["minecraft:grass", "minecraft:dirt", "minecraft:sand", "minecraft:gravel", "minecraft:dirt:1", "minecraft:coal_ore", "magneticraft:limestone", "minecraft:sandstone"],
"result": "deny"
"hostile": true,
"onjoin": true,
"block": ["magneticraft:burnt_limestone:2"],
"isnotcolliding": "default",
"result": "allow"
"mob": "techguns:alienbug",
"hostile": true,
"onjoin": true,
"isnotcolliding": "default",
"healthmultiply": 0.75,
"speedmultiply": 0.75,
"result": "allow"
"hostile": true,
"onjoin": true,
"seasky": false,
"dimension": 0,
"isnotcolliding": "default",
"result": "default"
"mob": "minecraft:bat",
"passive": true,
"isnotcolliding": "default",
"canspawnhere": "default",
"seasky": false,
"result": "default"
"passive": true,
"isnotcolliding": "default",
"canspawnhere": "default",
"result": "allow"
"dimension": 0,
"result": "deny"
This is the 3 main rules I'm after:
#1 Hostile Mobs can never spawn on Concrete.
#2 Hostiles can spawn anywhere dark that cannot see the sky.
#3 Hostiles cannot spawn on common surface blocks.
But, once night hits, rule #3 is totally ignored, and mobs are spawning.