Open Immersive Engineering and ExtraUtils2 Cause Chunk Corruption



Summary of the problem Immersive Engineering and ExtraUtils2 Cause Chunk Corruption

Pack Version 1.1.1

What is the bug? There seems to be an issue between ImmersiveEngineering Capacitors and ExraUtils2 Capacitors when they are in the same chunk. When a player tries to log into this chunk, the server crashes. Even walking into or teleporting into the chunks will crash the server. The only fix is to rollback the region data for those chunks.

Mod & Version Pack Version 1.1.2
Immersive Engineering 0.10-51
Extra Utils 2 1.1.1

Link to log file

Is it repeatable? Yes, although not exactly sure how. I am unable to access the chunk to see what exactly is causing the issue.
It seems to happen when power is being transferred between the two mods' capacitors. It has happened to 4 players already.

Known Fix The issues was reported to Immersive engineering:
There is a fix available from Immersive Engineering (build 52).

You can also rollback the region files manually.
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