If you'd never found modded minecraft?

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Forum Addict
Aug 21, 2012
Ponder and opine on this...

If you'd never found modded minecraft, never started on it and stayed in vanilla, what do you think you'd be doing differently?

Would you have given up on minecraft and left the game at one point or another?

I know I'd still be reading about it, I'd still be watching people play it online and likely would have wandered from one fan server to another as time passed and resets happened, always looking for something more.

In single player, I'd already noticed that I wasn't fond of redstone and automation. I might have copied some of the smaller devices from DocM77 or Etho, but I'm not the sort to dig myself a perimeter. Instead I'd noticed that my builds where getting more and more refined, just slightly more decorated and pretty. I'd never be on the level of Rorax or of BdoubleO100, but I'm sure things would have progressed in a quiet way.

Though I'd always return to single player, between brief and intense time on servers, I know I'd be on SHO, indulging in the newest thing.

As for other minecraft like games. I'm pretty sure I would have played and dismissed cubeworld. Though, factorio...

How about you all?


Jul 31, 2013
Without modded minecraft I would have never bought it. I bought the game because of Tekkit.

I would also never have played with CC and thus my whole life could have looked differently considering the first time I programmed anything was thanks to Computercraft and I am now at the point where I go to school specifically to learn programming and even already made some money thanks to it already......

Even the fact that I use Linux instead of Windows has to do with modded minecraft in a way as I had to setup a Debian server on a virtual machine running some voip stuff in the first year. As I already had a computer running a modded minecraft that was just using some windows stuff I soon after decided to change the OS of that thing as it was getting laggy without any reason for it as the hardware should have been good enough. (it can handle 1.7.10 packs without problems, though that is after I upgraded it to 8 GB of RAM)

Thanks to that I became more familiar with Linux and eventually switched entirely

Thus in a nutshell, without modded minecraft my life would have not at all been the same, or maybe it would if something else that caused me to program popped up :p
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Without modded minecraft...

I would have dropped Minecraft already I guess. Maybe wasted a lot of time on huge but plain survival builds.
If I'd still be into Minecraft it'd be because of redstone and command blocks and I would be way better with those than I am right now.
I would probably never have heard of Factorio, but if I had, I'd probably be playing that now.
I wouldn't have nearly the amount of Java knowledge I have now (especially on Exceptions and stacktraces).

Since about 75 percent of my extracurricular activities for the last two years have been connected to modded Minecraft (and still are), things would differ so much, that I can't really grasp the reality without it.
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Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
I would never have bought Minecraft. I played a demo of the beta, back when PCGamer packed in CD's. (That's how long ago it was.) I wasn't impressed. Then I saw Iskandar playing on his old channel on Youtube. He was playing with mods and it looked so much fun.

Otherwise, I'd still be playing modded, just not Minecraft.
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Too Much Free Time
Dec 8, 2012
Lost as always
I started playing Minecraft before I got into the modding community. I got hooked from Coestar's Coe's Quest. Pure vanilla.

But, had it not been for modded minecraft, I'd have long since gone on to greener pastures. I first ran into a LP of a modded minecraft game and was like 'wut? That looks awesome...'. A few more youtube searches and I found DW20. And the world of minecraft was forever changed for me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I started playing around MC 1.4.7 because some friends started. We all started vanilla, but they quickly jumped into some FTB pack. I thought they were cheating.

Then I found Mystcraft. Which sounded awesome and I had to have it. Nonetheless, as I could no longer claim that mods were cheating, I joined a FTB game they had going - because it included Mystcraft - discovered IC2 Jetpacks and Buildcraft and became hooked.

Ironically Mystcraft itself turned out to be a major disappointment.`


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I hadn't found the original mind crack ftb and vintagebeef I wouldn't be playing minecraft at all.
After awhile vanilla gets stagnate. Especially if you aren't A: an above average builder or B : good with redstone. I am neither.
Modded minecraft allows someone to expand the horizons by designing automated factories (i.e. IE, ender io, thermal expansion, etc). New blocks allow builders of all abilities to design and to build (i.e. Chisel, extra utilities builders wand, etc).
All this boils down to is expanded ways to play. Where I see vanilla as a building game. Modded is imo a strategy game. Planning, placing and implementing builds. So, to the modders who bring us this content, thank you

Edit: grammar corrections
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I've never had any interest in vanilla minecraft. I tinkered with it for a few hours, got annoyed that I could perform mechanical operations for "free" (redstone, pistons, etc), and a friend clued me into feed the beast.

Man what a revelation buildcraft/industrialcraft were. Machines required power, power required fuel, etc.

Its modded or nothing for me.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
My introduction to MC was via Xbox360. A friend pitched it to me as digital Legos. That was worth a look, to say the least, and I had a few friends who were fiddling with it. Having a crew of four players building a world together was a ton of fun, but most of those friends moved away from it as the next new game caught their eye. I stayed, alone in my worlds, hosting a visitor every now and again, building a world - empty and alone.

Then a new circle of friends told me they had a server set up. Modded to the gills and I was welcome to jump on with them. Monster blew my doors off. I had a stronger Vanilla base than most of them, even though the Xbox version was several versions behind, but they had solutions I'd never seen for tasks I had always hoped to make more efficient. Hook, line, and sinker. Since then, modded Minecraft has been my go-to game of choice.

Now, I can't claim Minecraft has changed my life, or inspired me to greatness. I've maintained my life's status quo, for the most part, so life without finding modded Minecraft wouldn't be too different on the whole. The biggest impact, honestly, would be my game selection, but I have enough friends trying to get me to play different games that I'm sure I would have dropped into something else. If not, I would have bummed from game to game like a vagrant until I stumbled into a community of like-minded gamers somewhere else.

Henry Link

Forum Addict
Dec 23, 2012
USA - East Coast
I started in vanilla way back when, mostly redstone contraptions copied from either Etho or Docm. At one point I found two blaze spawners close enough together that I could get both of them running using pure vanilla. After that I started modding the server using craft bucket and some plugins that allows spawners to moved/changed and teleportation via runes created on the floor. Then the FTB Beta A pack came out and I've been nothing but modded since. Mostly for the automation challenges. But recently my tastes have shifted more to building in addition to the automation.

But, if it wasn't for modding then I probably would have stopped playing Minecraft a long long time ago.
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