Idem chunk loader and aqueous accumulator

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have a question regarding chunk loading, it's the second time now, when I live my base for too long, and I come back I find my boiler freshly exploded and item spilled on the ground. I don't see the explosion but item are still there so it is recent.
The first time I blamed myself because the boiler was on the border of two chunk and the aqueous accumulator below it in the chunk the furthest away.
But this time I have been careful, I removed all my chunk loader around. Yet my base was somehow partly loaded. I had some steel that cooked. while I was away.
It's more than 300 block from spawn so it can't be it. But on 8 boiler I had 4 in one chunk that exploded, one in another that burned all its fuel and cooled down half way.
It's really annoying as the aqueous are just below the boiler so I don't understand how
a- boiler were loaded
b- aqueous weren't

To my knowledge only quarry, chunkloader world anchor, chunkloading turtle and steve cart with chunk loader will load world.. So how do you explain the incident?

After further examination, it seem that all of my boiler were running while I was away, the one that cooled down just had less fuel reserve than the other.
I am still not sure why did empty their water while the other didn't either they somehow also loaded the aqueous accumulator either they consumed less water.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
As a rule of thumb If the machine can explode from a lack of something, I always keep the chunks loaded that are needed. Otherwise I turn everything off before I leave the chunk. I've had all sorts of mysterious things happen with liquids, energy, and Items when the chunk gets unloaded and 9 times out of 10 if it can explode it always does so I always have a nice area of always loaded chunks where my machinery is.