Before you read this post: I have absolutely no programming knowledge at all whatsoever. This is an idea, if anyone wants to take it up, feel free!
Fission Powder, the strongest power source possible!
Fission powder (not real) is an extract from redstone, tin, and iron that produces Fission Voltage, 32768 eu/t.
Now before you say: "Whizz, that is op!" read this entire post. This will be more expensive and time consuming to make then a gravisuite. 32768 eu/t is very strong, and it cannot come with a low price. That is why my time spent thinking about this has paid off, and so I now present you with the most expensive recipe in Minecraft!
The first machine you will need is the Fission Extractor, which takes a stack of redstone, iron, and tin and compresses it into "Very Impure Fission Powder." Before you say: "Whizz, that is still too cheap!" listen to the recipe: One Advanced Machines Extractor in the middle, 4 Highly Reinforced Stone Blocks in the corners, 2 Highly Advanced Electronic Circuits in the left and right middle, and 2 Highly Advanced Machine Blocks in the top and bottom middle.
"How do you make Highly Advanced Electronic Circuits?" you ask. 6 Chrome in the top and bottom, 2 Advanced Electronic Circuits in the left and right middle, and one Tungstensteel Ingot in the middle. 'What about Highly Re--" I know what you want to hear next: for one and only one of these amazing blocks, able to withstand a nuke set to the highest power in config, you need 6 Reinforced Stone, 2 Chrome Blocks, and one Tungstensteel ingot.
You might still say: "Whizz, that is still pretty cheap!" I don't know what is wrong with you, that was expensive enough. Fine, the processing needs 100,000 EU to run and-- "Still not satisfied." Let me finish: One hour to complete. "Ok, satisfied now."
Now, if you remember, I said that the result was Very Impure Fission Powder. What does that mean? It means that it still has many traces of Iron, Tin, and Redstone. To convert it to Pure Fission Powder, you need to run it through a Fission Purifier 4 times. "What is a--" Don't even finish that sentence. I know what you want to ask.
A Fission Purifier is another extremely expensive item added by this mod. It requires one Purified Water Tungstensteel Bucket in the middle, one Industrial Centrifuge in the top, one Advanced Machines Extractor on the bottom, 4 Highly Reinforced Stone in the corners, One Highly Advanced Circuit in the left middle, and one Highly Advanced Machine Block in the right middle. How do you make Purified Water, you say? Run a Water Cell through the Industrial Centrifuge with one Tungstensteel bucket (Same recipe as bucket, just replace iron with tungstensteel) in the container slot. You get one empty cell and one Tungstensteel Bucket of Water. 36,000 time units, or 1800 seconds, or 30 minutes and 180,000 EU.
"What about power?" 50,000 EU per cycle, 30 minutes per cycle. Begins Very Impure, after first cycle it is Somewhat Impure, second cycle gives Slightly Impure, third cycle gives Somewhat Pure, and final cycle gives Very Pure Fission Powder.
"What do I do with--" Stop asking so many questions! This Very Pure Fission Powder is only suitable as an explosive. By the way, this is another use for the Highly Reinforced Stone Blocks, as a protector against these blasts. I will tell you about the explosive later. You need to make this powder suitable for power generation. For that, you need a Fission Enrichment Chamber. Yes, it is a multiblock structure. You need Advanced Machine Casings for this.
The Fission Enrichment Chamber is crafted like so: Fusion Reactor on the top middle, Industrial Electrolyzer on the bottom middle, 4 Highly Reinforced Stone Blocks in the corners, one Highly Advanced Machine Block in the middle, and 2 Highly Advanced Circuits in the left and right middle. With 26 Highly Advanced Machine Casings, create a structure just like a Coke Oven, 3*3*3 with a block missing in the middle. Place the F.E.C on the top of the structure, in the middle.
The F.E.C. GUI is structured like a Furnace. Put 16 electrolyzed water Cells in the bottom, your Very Pure Fission Powder in the top, supply it with 100,000 EU, and wait one hour. The 100,000 EU can be provided during the entire one hour cycle, as with the rest of the machines. If 100,000 EU is not provided within the time limit, the work is wasted. You keep the powder, lose the water cells. The cycle comes out with Enriched Fission Powder.
"How do you make power with this?" you ask. Got that covered also. You need a Fission Generator. Yes, another extremely expensive machine. The Fission Generator requires one Implosion Compressor in the middle, one Geothermal Generator in the top middle, one regular generator in the bottom middle, 4 Highly Reinforced Stone Blocks in the corners, one Highly Advanced Electronic Circuit in the left middle, and one Highly Advanced Machine Block in the right middle. Now that you have you generator, you need something to hold this Fission Voltage. I'm sure you all remember the Superconductor Wires from Gregtech, right?
"Whizz, my machines won't hold--" I know, I know. Next, you need an FV-Transformer, which transforms Fission Voltage (32768 EU/t) into Ultimate Voltage (8192 EU/t). This is crafted with One Ultimate Voltage Transformer in the middle, two Superconductor Wires in the left and right middle, and two LESUs in the top and bottom middle.
"How do you make the UV--" Got that covered too. The UV-Transformer, which transforms UV into HV, is crafted like so: HV-Transformer in the middle, Superconductor in the left middle, HV-Cable in the right middle, and two AESUs in the top and bottom middle.
There you have it! Everything you need to-- "Wait! You forgot to tell us how long the Fission Powder lasts!" Oh yeah! The one thing I forgot! What would I do without you? After it's entire cycle is done (50 seconds) it will have produced 32768000 EU. You would need at least 4 MFSUs to capture all this electricity in 50 seconds. If you don't have the resources after this costly experience for 4 MFSUs, the Fission Generator does have an internal buffer that holds all this electricity. It only holds it for 30 minutes, though, so you have to empty it fast.
How do you guys like this idea for an addon? I have absolutely no programming skills, remember, so if anyone wants to take up the project, feel free! Just make sure Greg and AtomicStryker approve of it. Thanks for considering,